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Kareena Kapoor Goes Greener by the Day

Kareena Kapoor We all know what a warm hearted person Kareena is and how socially responsible she is. This time she has gone one step ahead and she is leading by example. Kareena has taken up the issue of Global Warming very seriously. She is advising everyone to switch off the lights and fans if they are not going to use it.

Recently Kareena was really shocked to hear the news that there was heavy snowfall in Sharjah and the dip in temperatures their. Sources say," she recollects that she has been there for many shoots and she found the place very hot and now when she heard about the snowfall it came like a shock to her.

Kareena explains that the issue of Global Warming is a major concern not only for us Indians but whole world. She further adds that it's up to the citizens to take the initiative and fight against Global Warming. Says Kareena,"I am really happy that few organizations have unedrtaken this issue very seriously and are constantly organizing events and creating awareness amongst people.

Kareena is very particular of switching all the electronic items if it's not being used and she is also advising all her near and dear one's to take utmost care of our earth in whatever way they can. Kareena says, "It's very important for us to understand the seriousness of this issue and we should all lend our hands and help protect not only our country but the whole world.

Sampurn Media


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