Dressed in a rust coloured evening gown, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut walked the ramp at the fashion week Sunday for designer duo Prriya and Chintans - but the silhouettes still stole the show. The audience at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW) skipped a beat as the actress appeared on the ramp flashing a million dollar smile and wearing a layered full length dress embellished with pearls and diamonds, complete with an asymmetric hemline and a train.
"Kangana has become a style icon, who appears on various occasions decked beautifully, hence we decided to bring her on the ramp," Prriya told IANS.
"But she didn't steal the show. Instead, the clothes stood out as she is a budding actress not an established one like Rani Mukherji or Kajol," the designer added.
The collection had sarees, tunics, fitted tops, skinny pants, high-waist skirts and evening dresses.
The colours included vibrant hues and bright tones like aqua blue, oranges, shades of white and red. Fabrics like chiffons, leather and taffeta were generously used in the line.
"Our collection has long and elegant garments with lots of flow. There are asymmetrical hemlines, layering and animal prints clubbed with floral prints in the line," Prriya pointed out.
Sans stars, designer trio Ashish, Viral and Vikrant's 'Virtue' collection that came on next robbed the hearts of the audience.
"When many designers are drawing inspiration from the West for their collections, our line is inspired by India, as our country is a treasure house of inspiration," said Ashish.
"We have called it Virtue as the line symbolizes simplicity, goodness and how wearable clothes are," he added.
The palette encompassed clam hues of ivory with vegetable dyes, henna, turmeric and indigo. Chanderis, silk muslin, cotton and silk were liberally used for the silhouettes.
The women's line had frocks, midis, robes, leggings, skirts and tops with lots of flow. It was accessorized with high and ankle length boots, stilettos, flats and wedge heels with matching prints and bags of varied styles.
The men's wear line had trousers, shirts and suits matched with perfect accessories like jute chappals, shoes and bags.
Indo-Asian News Service